


身長 165cm
スリーサイズ B:98 W:66 H:90
お店から Good at : CBT, Human Toilet training ,ejaculation management ,image play, pleasure torture,verbal torture.

She has addictive glamorous body, well-shaped-hip and breast,beautiful legs and fabulous aura.She is good at pressing play by using her perfect body,CBT,urethra play, and toilet training. She is also good at verbal torture!
女の子から "Many guys said that 'I was afraid to get into BDSM world', but I said it's not only painful and scary world.
Every man have every person's character and also have a secret desire; and sometimes they want to be drown in pleasure..
So, show me your secret and let's make deep fetish time."

T.165 B.98 W.66 H.90

She speaks Japanese only. Coprophagy and vomiting option is available.
Obedience corse Contents of Absolute obedience course : When you give up,session finished.

1.Forced excretion management:You are forced to endure your excretion untill Mistress Jyuria's permission.

2.Play around with penis :ejaculation management, milking, or so on.

3. Shave clinic with verbal torture
Content:Shaving + verbal torture
I will be examined all over your bodies and have your hair removed.
The body will be thoroughly inspected and hair will be removed.
You can have all of your hair shaved smooth, or just a little bit.
You can consult with us about whether you want to have all of your hair shaved or just a little to get a nice shave.

You can choose one contents.
Note:Mistress never do other play than the above in this course.
English Speaks only Japanese
  • 本日の出勤予定

  • 只今の案内状況

03/11(火) 03/12(水) 03/13(木) 03/14(金) 03/15(土) 03/16(日) 03/17(月)
14:00~18:00  Day Off Day Off Day Off Day Off Day Off Day Off



    2025/03/11 10:54

    長年に渡り本格的奴隷調教がすすみ この日は旅館で浴衣を剥ぎ取られ 輪姦 楽しい観光から監禁プレイへと突入 … 続きを読む


    2025/03/09 20:02

    綺麗にメイクしてお散歩 暖かい季節になったのでお出かけも大胆になりそうね 短いスカートだと ヒラヒラしておしっこがちかくなるのかしら? おしっこにかかる時間まで管理される身体なのよ … 続きを読む


    2025/03/08 21:32

    あやの女王様 みずき女王様と4P 私たち三人にかかれば秘密の監禁部屋では 足踏み奴隷 便器奴隷 汁奴隷と ありとあらゆる奴隷調教が身体に刻まれ 変態化してゆきます。 … 続きを読む


    2025/03/07 21:46

    かわいくなれない子はいません。 会った時よりも私がかわいく綺麗にエッチな子にするのよ 反応したりわがままな子はその分 先生が教えこむわよ 二人だけでドキドキする悦び教えてあげる … 続きを読む


    2025/03/02 14:32

    暖かくなったらお出かけ日和 お気に入りの装いでお散歩 下半身の疼き 歩くたびにドキドキが止まらなかったわね … 続きを読む
