• Ayano,Mizuki


New Coronavirus Countermeasures

New Coronavirus Countermeasures

 Thank you for your continued patronage.

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, we have suspended reservations for international guests for the time being, but will now resume accepting reservations for guests who have been vaccinated, are in good health, and are willing to cooperate with our infection control measures in play.

Kind regards

Club Domina


Thank you for visiting our Official English Website. 
This is an introduction of our club to prospective clients.

Our club seeks to unite high level dominatrix with submissive 
and/or masochistic customers.  All submissive customers (male and female) are welcome!

Our club employs dominatrix of various appearances, sizes, and skills. 
 All of your secret desires can be fulfilled with our highly trained mistresses.

 Location : Shinkitano area (Juso station) Osaka city Osaka Pref. Japan  
Tel. 81-6-6732-9372 Open 13:00 - 22:00


  • New Coronavirus Countermeasures

    [10/23 21:30]
    New Coronavirus Countermeasures

    Thank you for your continued patronage.
    Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, we have suspended reservations for international guests for the time being, but will now resume accepting reservations for guests who have been vaccinated, are in good health, and are willing to cooperate with our infection control measures in play.

    Kind regards
    Club Domina
  • Deposit

    [04/15 23:24]

    Due to a high volume of no-shows of our foreign customers, we have had to institute a mandatory non-refundable deposit policy.
  • Coupon News

    [05/16 18:52]
    New customers are encouraged to use our 'Welcome Coupon'. 

     All first time customers are eligible for a 3000 yen discount off 
    of their session fee simply by telling the reception staff t
    hat you would like to receive the discount.  

    Customers that contact staff with a blocked cellular phone number are ineligible. 
    *Please note: First time customers still must pay the hotel fee 
    and a nomination fee- a 1000 yen fee applied to customers
    that choose a specific Dominatrix.

Photo blog

  • Arika

    13個 01/19 20:04


  • Hibiki

    吊り緊縛 01/19 16:16


  • Arika

    新年1発目 01/18 23:36


  • Kaede

    よくがんばってくれたね 01/18 16:42


  • Hibiki

    キラキラ 01/15 14:40


  • Koto

    賀正新年二〇二五 01/08 08:24

    クラブドミナの女王様方及びスタッフの皆様、またドミナ馴染みの変態諸君、明けまして御目出度う御座います八月に出国してから現在はベルリンの地で相変わらず変態活動に励んでいます写メ日記を更新したいと思いながらもあれこれ忙しくなっていて、新年になって少しだけど書く機会を得ることができましたほぼ知り合いがいない地で、女王様業を立てることは挑戦でしたがウェブサイトを作ってみたりなにやらしていたら、可愛い琴の変態が増えてきて楽しいし、今年もまた新しい出会いがあると思って興奮していますあと女王様のお友達も続々増えているのが嬉しい、相変わらず複数P大好きな琴です緊縛は相変わらず勉強したり、実践したり、日本とはまた異なった感じで遊んでいますまたドミナの女王様方やこれまで出会った日本変態氏との力添えを受けて、日本では未経験だった尿道処女開発や嘔吐ができるようになったりと対応可能プレイも増えています、勿論まだまだ増える予報ですまだまだ(多分)大阪に帰るのは先になるけれど、帰国時にこちらで得た変態力を日本の変態たちにぶつけてぐちゃぐちゃにするのが待ち遠しく思ってます吊り緊縛の種類も滅茶苦茶増えてるので、琴の縄好きたちは特に楽しみにしててねSNSなどを追ってくれたり、時々連絡をかわしてくれる変態民にいつも感謝しています遠く離れた地にはいるけど応援してくれている変態の皆様、いつもありがとうそのうちふらっと帰ってくると思いますが、それまで行儀よく健康で変態を磨いておいてくださいな二〇二五年はより素晴らしい変態の年に致しましょうぞ今後ともどうぞよしなに〜♨️❤︎❤︎❤︎X: https://x.com/KotoClubDominaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/clubdominakotohttps://www.japanesehentaimistresskoto.com/

Deposit policy

Due to a high volume of no-shows of our foreign customers, we have had to institute a mandatory non-refundable deposit policy.

All clients will be asked to provide a 40% credit card deposit
(plus 12% credit card processing fee) for reservations one or more days before the appointment.

Once the credit card payment has cleared, the appointment will be confirmed. This payment is non-refundable for cancellations and no-shows.
All transactions will take place in Japanese Yen.
The remainder of the session fee can be settled in cash (Japanese Yen only) or credit card payment with our Mistresses before the beginning of the session.

As deposits are non-refundable, we strongly suggest you make sure of your availability on the day of your appointment. In short, cancellations before the appointment as well as no shows will result in the loss of the 40%  deposit. We want to provide a satisfying experience to both our customers as well as our employees and a loss of deposit is disappointing for both parties.

Please remember that reservations will not be confirmed until the deposit fee credit card payment has cleared.
In order to ensure Mistress availability, it is important to pay the deposit fee as quickly as possible so we may confirm your reservation immediately after the payment has cleared.

Also please note that this is not an extra charge.
Your deposit will count towards your total session fee.
Deposit fee + remaining session fee = total session fee.
For example, if your total session fee is 18000 yen, you must pay 8064 yen (this includs 12% credit card processing fee )via credit card before the reservation can be confirmed.
You are responsible for the remaining session fee  -9936 yen - after your deposit has been cleared and reservation confirmed.
The remaining session fee (9936 yen in our example) will be paid to the Mistress at the beginning of your session.

Exceptions can be made to the refund policy in the case of natural disasters.
In these cases, customers may choose to carry over the deposit for another date, or if that is not possible, the customer will be provided a full refund minus the 12% credit card processing fee.(7200 Yen in exsample)

We thank you for your understanding and we ask that should you have any questions regarding the deposit fee, please contact the shop via e-mail.

Credit Card Payment

Instructions for Credit Card Payments: 

**If payment is made by credit card, a credit card fee of 12% will be added.

1) A short email is sent to your mobile phone number. The short message will contain the URL of the payment site, click on it to go to the site.
2) You will be redirected to the payment page.
3) Enter the agreed payment amount in Japanese yen and enter the correct information in all required fields. Important: All transactions must be made in Japanese yen.
4) After completing the payment, please contact us by email.
5)If you do not have a mobile phone number, please advise us of this. You can also pay by PayPal.

***Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.





