

身長 157cm
スリーサイズ B:82(C) W:61 H:86
お店から New Mistress Arica has joined our Club.

She is a slender mistress with a neat atmosphere and gentle voice.
This is her first time to work in an BDSM club.
She is interested in Japanese Rope Bondage and is willing to try various kinds of play.
**She is available for vomit play.
女の子から There is a saying, “Curiosity can kill a cat.
But here, you can enjoy that curiosity to the fullest,
you can enjoy your curiosity to the fullest and spend a safe and comfortable time together.
I look forward to exploring new worlds with you.

Preferred Play
Verbal abuse, nipple abuse, pet play, role play, ejaculation control, tickling

Play interests
Whipping, bondage, scat, vomiting
*Scat Play is currently not available.
Obedience corse 1) Japanese rope bondage
This is my bondage practice.
I will tie you while watching the lecture video.
There may be rope marks on your body.
I use cotton rope and hemp rope. Hanging bondage is not available.
Comment: Please let me practice bondage.

*Reservation required by the day before
Food play

You can only eat what I give you.
I will serve you a plate of masticated food, which you will eat.
You may be tied up and forced to eat in a situation where you cannot move,
You may be made to eat like a dog.
For you, who like my saliva, I will feed you what I have chewed.
Be sure to eat all of it.
You know what will happen if you leave some behind, right?

*You may leave rope marks if you are tied up. I will only use cotton rope. Suspension bondage is not allowed.
I will prepare the food, so you will need to make a reservation the day before and pay separately for the food (1500 yen).
If you have any food allergies, please notify the reception staff when you make a reservation.

I would like to express a relationship of deep trust and submission through the act of giving saliva and chewed food.
English Speaks only Japanese
  • 本日の出勤予定

    Day Off
  • 只今の案内状況

03/28(金) 03/29(土) 03/30(日) 03/31(月) 04/01(火) 04/02(水) 04/03(木)
Day Off Day Off Day Off Day Off Day Off Day Off Day Off


  • 真っ赤

    2025/03/20 18:00

    私に管理されたいんだって、可愛いね アリカ … 続きを読む

  • 咀嚼

    2025/02/16 08:18

    聖水が好きな方だったので咀嚼物と聖水ミックスして飲ませたよ 3時間で私聖水10回も出たんですけど、全て平らげてとても素晴らしかったです! お残しもしなかったしえらい! 2月の出勤は全て予約完売したのでまた3… 続きを読む

  • 無知な私が学んだ鞭

    2025/02/06 12:42

    昨日は鞭講習があり、 ルイ様、響様、小夜様、焔様と行きました。 色々な鞭の打ち方を基礎から教えていただきました! だから手が覚えてるうちにいっぱい打ちたいです(*´˘`*) 私たちの愛のムチを受けたい人は予約し… 続きを読む

  • 飲んだね~

    2025/01/30 16:14

    沢山飲んだあとに自分で扱いてシーツにいっぱいだしてたね 聖水好きだな〜 必死にお口に取り込もうとする姿が可愛いね! 私1日に2〜3リットルはお水飲むから頻尿です またのご予約お待ちしてますね! アリカ … 続きを読む

  • 13個

    2025/01/19 20:04

    13個も入れちゃった 苦悶の表情っていいですね よく頑張りました! 26に空きが出来たので予約お待ちしてます! アリカ … 続きを読む